How well does a plastic building envelope function in the summer heat of New York City? We attached sensors to the house to collect data on the thermal performance of our SmartWrap™ building skin.
We are thrilled that the Sculpture Building and School of Art Gallery at Yale University have been named among the Committee on the Environment (COTE) Top Ten Sustainable Projects. View the ten measures and supporting metrics used to evaluate the entries here, and a comprehensive list of the building's sustainable features here.
Last Friday, the whole KieranTimberlake team piled into two charter buses from our office in Philadelphia and trekked up the New Jersey Turnpike to visit the Home Delivery: Fabricating the Modern Dwelling exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art. This movie was taken with a handheld camera and shows the interior spaces from the top down. Indeed, the experience of walking through the house is quite different from seeing it on a computer screen.
Completed in 2006, the Yale University Sculpture Building is a 51,000 square-foot studio space for the undergraduate and graduate sculpture programs of the School of Art. The building called for an exceptional quality of light, low energy usage, and operable windows. A climate analysis performed on the site indicated a strong seasonal variation, with significant heating loads during the winter and cooling loads in the summer. This presented the opportunity to advance solar wall technology in partnership with a curtainwall manufacturer.