Metropolis Think Tank

On September 19, 2017, KieranTimberlake and Metropolis magazine will host a Think Tank discussion on Pedestrians, Bikes, and Cars: Designing a Balanced Multi-Modal 21st Century City.
Can we re-envision a historic city like Philadelphia to balance the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, and automobiles?
In 2015, several square miles of Center City Philadelphia were blocked for a Papal visit. Suddenly, citizens glimpsed urban space relieved of the usual congestion, smog, and anxiety caused by car traffic. The event sparked regularly-scheduled free street events that opened areas for people to engage the city differently. It also raised broader questions: How can we holistically reimagine our streets to improve quality of life and the environment? And what would such a radical transformation look—and sound—like?
4:00 pm Discussion
5:30 pm Networking and Refreshments
Free | 1.5 AIA CEU HSW credits available
To RSVP for the event, click here.
James Timberlake, FAIA
Partner, KieranTimberlake
Dena Driscoll
Co-Chair, 5th Square PAC
Alan Greenberger, FAIA
Department Head and Distinguished Teaching Professor
Department of Architecture Design and Urbanism
Drexel University
Andrew Stober
Vice President of Planning and Economic Development, University City District
Sarah Clark Stuart
Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia
Susan S. Szenasy
Director of Design Innovation, Metropolis