The alchemy of art, science, analysis, and intuition with regard to the built environment is our core mission.
Founded in 1984, KieranTimberlake unites the expertise and talents of 90 professionals from diverse backgrounds in a practice that is recognized globally. In 2025, after 40 years as a founder-led firm, we transitioned to a 100% employee-owned corporation. Our projects include the programming, planning, and design of new structures as well as the conservation, renovation, and transformation of existing buildings, with special expertise in education, government, arts and culture, civic, and residential projects.
Common to all our work is that each project begins with a question and continues its development within a culture of continuous asking, ensuring that design results from deep investigation. KieranTimberlake is committed not only to delivering the highest quality services to our clients, but also to pursuing ideas that push the practice of architecture forward.
We have received hundreds of design citations, including the Firm Award from the American Institute of Architects in 2008 and the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award for Architecture from the Smithsonian Institution in 2010.
Design Philosophy
We provoke change within the practice of architecture by pushing the boundaries of current norms for design and construction, pursuing broad questions like, How do we reconcile the contradictory demands for low energy consumption and abundant natural light? How do we recover the embodied energy in a building? and How do we achieve greater quality and environmental responsibility in less time? We rely on collective intelligence and nonhierarchical production structures for gains in economy, efficiency, and quality. Some of the provocations we have pursued include re-envisioning the traditional building envelope, developing new techniques in off-site fabricated architecture, and building new tools for sustainable design. We work toward the evolution of the field, toward an architecture that embraces transformation and progress. In the spirit of making change through meaningful collaboration, we participate in lectures, conferences, symposia, and exhibitions around the world.
We seek ways to improve the art, quality, and craft of architecture through research into new materials, processes, assemblies, and products. Our commitment to research has provided a way for deep investigation to be conducted during design—and for the results to stimulate and augment the processes of designing and building at KieranTimberlake. Exploratory, empirical, and applied research brings added value to our commissioned architectural projects and allows us to develop new custom products and tools for the architecture industry.
Environmental Sustainability
KieranTimberlake takes a holistic view to designing for sustainability. It is our belief that current standards can result in a checklist approach to environmental design. We advocate designing for the integrity of the structure as a whole rather than a sum of individual parts, and we utilize integrated systems that work together for greater gains. Whenever possible, features serve multiple purposes: A pond on site may serve as a leisure amenity, a stormwater management strategy, and a source for landscape irrigation. Our research focus allows us to pursue the latest developments in environmental technology and materials and to develop our own sustainable building methodologies. We understand the need to balance the ideals of resource conservation, energy efficiency, and environmental stewardship with the realities of performance criteria, constructability, and budget.
Design, innovation, and invention in architecture form our practice. Projects span educational institutions, civic projects, arts and culture venues, governmental buildings, private residences, and more. We also renovate and transform existing structures and bring historic buildings into the modern era.
Research is at the core of our practice and is integral to our work on every project. In addition to deep investigations into site, program, climate, ecology, resources, and environment that are seamlessly integrated into the design phase, research projects can be commissioned by clients for specific applications.
A fully integrated plan combines strategy with analysis of context to form a flexible spatial, temporal, and fiscal vision for the future. We perform feasibility studies, strategic planning, campus planning, urban design and redevelopment initiatives, and master plans for a diversity of clients, including educational, governmental, and more.