Modeling and Simulation
Scale models, computer simulation, and computation
Scale models, computer simulation, and computation
Data collection, analysis, and visualization
BIM, environmental performance, modeling, and visualization
Materials, methods, and iterative design
Improving the art, quality, and craft of architecture
Partner and Research Director Billie Faircloth is a co-chair of...
Materials Research
KieranTimberlake transfers Tally to Building Transparency
American Ceramics Assemblies Workshop
Decarbonize the building industry
Understanding human comfort factors
Tackling climate change industry-wide
Expanding the application of digital modeling
Our work on Towards Sustainable Cities
An update from Ulaanbaatar
Improving the building performance of traditional housing
Research collaboration with the Health Design Lab
Researchers reimagine traditional Mongolian homes
How we've reduced our environmental impact
A new product from KT Innovations
Board-Formed Panels at Wellesley's Pendleton West
Designing for the future
Free guide helps users earn up to five points
Now compatible with Revit® 2017
Pointelist™ and green roof vegetation study check in
Research-driven designs ensure long-term performance