We have received over 300 design citations in the United States and abroad, including the Center for Architecture and Design Louis I. Kahn Award, the AIA Architecture Firm Award, and the National Design Award from the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum.
Founding partners Stephen Kieran and James Timberlake received the 35th Louis I. Kahn Award from the Center for Architecture and Design in Philadelphia. The award honors the most influential and accomplished architects from around the world in memory of Philadelphia architect Louis Kahn (1901-1974), whose monumental designs have influenced generations of architects, including Stephen and James.
Left to right: William McDowell III, Rebecca Johnson, Stephen Kieran, James Timberlake, and Richard I Davies, Esq. ©Flicker + Elm
- The Chicago Athenaeum and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies, Green GOOD DESIGN Sustainability Architecture Award, Alan Magee Scaife Hall
- The Chicago Athenaeum and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies, Green GOOD DESIGN Sustainability Architecture Award, Folger Shakespeare Library
- Washington Building Congress, Craftsmanship Awards - Renovation, Folger Shakespeare Library
- Read the 2024 Awards Round-Up
- American Council of Engineering Companies of New York (ACEC New York), Diamond Award in Special Projects, John A. Paulson Center
- American Council of Engineering Companies of New York (ACEC New York), Platinum Award in Structural Systems, John A. Paulson Center
- AIA Architecture Award, John A. Paulson Center
- AIA Education Facility Design Award, John A. Paulson Center
- AIA Housing Award, North Campus Housing
- AIA Pennsylvania, COTE Citation: Design for Energy, Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub
- AIA Pennsylvania, COTE Award, North Campus Housing
- AIA Pennsylvania, Merit Award, Penn's Landing Pavilion
- AIA Philadelphia, Honor Award, Centennial District Ideas Exchange Competition
- AIA Philadelphia, Honor Award, Folger Shakespeare Library
- AIA Philadelphia, Honor Award, John A. Paulson Center
- AIA Philadelphia, Honor Award, Penn's Landing Pavilion
- AIA Springfield, Central States Excellence in Design Honor Award, Student Innovation Center
- AIA Tri-State, Excellence Award, Student Innovation Center
- AIA Tri-State, Honor Award, North Campus Housing
- AIA Tri-State, Merit Award, Foreign Affairs Security Training Center
- AIA Tri-State, Merit Award, John A. Paulson Center
- AIA Tri-State, Merit Award, Bulletin Building Renovation
- American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), IDEAS² Award for Excellence in Engineering, John A. Paulson Center
- Archello Awards, Renovation of the Year - Jury Winner, Folger Shakespeare Library
- Architect's Newspaper, Best of Practice, Architect (Large Firm)—Northeast category
- Architect's Newspaper, Best of Design Awards, Editors' Picks - Cultural, Folger Shakespeare Library
- Architecture MasterPrize, Best of Best Restoration & Renovation, Folger Shakespeare Library
- Architecture MasterPrize, Large Firm of the Year Award in Institutional Architecture
- Architizer, A+ Awards Higher Education & Research Facilities Jury Winner, John A. Paulson Center
- Architizer, A+ Awards Best Large Firm Finalist
- Architizer, A+ Awards Best Sustainable Firm Jury Winner
- Chicago Athenaeum American Architecture Awards, John A. Paulson Center
- The Chicago Athenaeum and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies, Green GOOD DESIGN Sustainability Architecture Award, John A. Paulson Center
- The Chicago Athenaeum and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies, International Architecture Award, John A. Paulson Center
- Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), Best Tall Building (Americas) Award of Excellence, John A. Paulson Center
- Prix Versailles, World's Most Beautiful Campuses, John A. Paulson Center
- World Architecture Festival, Civic Future Project Finalist, Penn's Landing Pavilion
- World Architecture Festival, WAFX Prize in Carbon and Climate, Penn's Landing Pavilion
- Read the 2023 Awards Round-Up
- AIA New York State, Institutional Citation, John A. Paulson Center
- AIA Ohio, Merit Award, Digital Futures
- AIA Pennsylvania, Merit Award, John A. Paulson Center
- AIA Pennsylvania, Merit Award, The Tidelands
- AIA Philadelphia, Honor Award, Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub
- AIA Regional & Urban Design Award, East End Transformation
- AIA Seattle, Award of Merit, North Campus Housing
- AIA Washington Council, Honor Award, North Campus Housing
- AIA Young Architects Award, Efrie Escott
- Architect's Newspaper, Best of Design Awards, Residential—Mixed-use, North Campus Housing
- Architect's Newspaper, Best of Design Awards, Editors' Picks - Higher Education, John A. Paulson Center
- Architecture MasterPrize, Best of Best Educational Buildings, John A. Paulson Center
- Chicago Athenaeum American Architecture Awards, Honorable Mention, North Campus Housing
- SCUP Excellence Awards, Merit - Excellence in Landscape Architecture for General Design, North Campus Housing
- Society of American Registered Architects (SARA) NY, Design Award of Merit, John A. Paulson Center
- World Architecture Festival, Highly Commended - Higher Education and Research, John A. Paulson Center
- Read the 2022 Awards Round-Up
- AIA Architecture Award, U.S. Embassy in London
- AIA California, Special Commendation: Design for Energy, Henley Hall
- AIA Pennsylvania, Silver Medal, Student Innovation Center
- AIA Pennsylvania, Honor Award, Foreign Affairs Security Training Center
- AIA Pennsylvania, Merit Award, Bulletin Building Renovation
- AIA Philadelphia, Honor Award, Bulletin Building Renovation
- AIA Philadelphia, Sustainability Honor Award, North Campus Housing
- Chicago Athenaeum American Architecture Awards, Student Innovation Center
- Chicago Athenaeum International Architecture Awards, Honorable Mention, Henley Hall
- Chicago Athenaeum International Architecture Awards, Honorable Mention, Student Innovation Center
- Chicago Athenaeum International Architecture Awards, Honorable Mention, Weil Hall
- ENR MidAtlantic Best Projects, Best Higher Education/Research, Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub
- Read the 2021 Awards Round-Up
- AIA Central States Design Awards, Honorable Mention, Weil Hall
- AIA Iowa, Merit Award, Student Innovation Center
- AIA Pennsylvania, Award of Distinction, Stephen Kieran and James Timberlake
- AIA Pennsylvania Committee on the Environment, Award of Excellence, Henley Hall
- AIA Pennsylvania, Merit Award, Henley Hall
- AIA Philadelphia, Gold Medal, Henley Hall
- AIA Philadelphia, Sustainability Award, Henley Hall
- AIA Philadelphia, Merit Award, Weil Hall
- AIA Santa Barbara, Honor Award, Henley Hall
- AIA Santa Barbara, Merit Award, Portola Dining Commons
- AIA St. Louis Design Awards, Honor Award, Washington University in St. Louis East End Transformation
- AIA Tri-State, Merit Award, Student Innovation Center
- Center for Architecture and Design, Louis I. Kahn Award, Stephen Kieran and James Timberlake
- Chicago Athenaeum, American Architecture Awards, Henley Hall
- Chicago Athenaeum, American Architecture Award, Weil Hall
- Read the 2020 Awards Round-Up
- AIA Pennsylvania, Merit Award, Washington University in St. Louis East End Transformation
- AIA Philadelphia, Merit Award, Washington University in St. Louis East End Transformation
- AIA Virginia, Honor Award, Foreign Affairs Security Training Center
- American Society of Landscape Architects, Award of Excellence in Urban Design, Dilworth Park
- Chicago Athenaeum American Architecture Award, Brown University Engineering Research Center
- Civic Trust Awards, US Embassy in London
- Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat Award of Excellence, Global Tall Buildings, US Embassy in London (shortlisted)
- Fast Company Innovation by Design Awards, OpenHome
- Fast Company, Most Innovative Companies 2020
- Lab Manager, Lab Design Excellence Awards, Honorable Mention, Excellence in Innovation, Brown University Engineering Research Center
- Society for College and University Planning, Excellence in Planning Honor Award, Washington University in St. Louis East End Transformation
- AIA Housing Award, University of California, Santa Barbara, San Joaquin Villages
- AIA Philadelphia, Young Architect Award, Fátima Olivieri-Martinez
- AIA Philadelphia, Merit Award, Northern Liberties Neighbors Association, The Yard
- AIA Pennsylvania, Honor Award, Brown University, Engineering Research Center
- Chicago Athenaeum, American Architecture Award, US Embassy in London
- Texas Society of Architects, Design Award, Cambridge Office Building,
Rice University - AIA Pennsylvania, Silver Medal, US Embassy in London
- AIA Pennsylvania, Honor Award, High Horse Ranch
- AIA Philadelphia, Gold Medal, US Embassy in London
- AIA Philadelphia, Merit Award, High Horse Ranch
- AIA California Council, Merit Award, High Horse Ranch
- AIA Committee on the Environment, Top Ten Plus Award, Ortlieb's Bottling House
- Architectural Record, Record Houses, High Horse Ranch
- Autodesk AEC Excellence Awards, Building Design, Medium Category, Brown University, Engineering Research Center
- Fast Company, Finalist, Design Company of the Year
- Fast Company, Finalist, Ideal Choice Homes
- Fast Company, Finalist, Roast
- Fast Company, Honorable Mention, US Embassy in London
- Wood Design & Building Magazine, Citation, High Horse Ranch
- World Architecture Festival, Shortlisted, US Embassy in London
- World Architecture Festival, Winner - Villa Category, High Horse Ranch
- AIA Pennsylvania, Silver Medal, Wellesley College, Pendleton West
- AIA Pennsylvania, Bronze Award, Harvard River House Renewal
- AIA Pennsylvania, Honor Award, Congregation Rodeph Shalom
- AIA Philadelphia, Honor Award, Wellesley College, Pendleton West
- AIA Philadelphia, Merit Award, River House Renewal
- Architectural Record, Women in Architecture Award, Billie Faircloth
- Hanley Wood Builder's Choice & Custom Home Design Award, Project of the Year, Pound Ridge House
- Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia, Preservation Achievement Award, 841 North American Street
- AIA New York State, Award of Excellence, Pound Ridge House
- AIA Pennsylvania, Citation Award for Architecture, Consortium for Building Energy Innovation
- AIA Pennsylvania, Citation Award for Historic Preservation, 841 North American Street
- AIA Pennsylvania, Citation Award for Historic Preservation, River House Renewal
- AIA Philadelphia, Gold Medal, Congregation Rodeph Shalom
- AIA Philadelphia, Merit Award, 841 North American Street
- AIA Philadelphia, Merit Award, Consortium for Building Energy Innovation
- Architect Magazine, R+D Award, Tally®
- Boston Society of Architects, William D. Smith Accessibility Award, Harvard University, River House Renewal
- Builder Magazine, HIVE 100 Innovator Award
- Builder Magazine, Marvin Hall of Fame Award
- Cambridge Historic Commission, Preservation Award, Dunster Hall, Harvard University
- European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and The Chicago Athenaeum, Green Good Design Award, Dilworth Park
- Urban Land Institute Philadelphia, Willard G. Rouse III Award for Excellence, Dilworth Park
- ACADIA, Excellence in Digital Practice Award
- AIA Institute Honor Award for Architecture, Brockman Hall for Physics, Rice University
- AIA Pennsylvania, Architecture Firm Award
- AIA Philadelphia, Gold Medal, Dilworth Park
- Architizer A+Awards Special Mention, Pound Ridge House
- World Architecture Festival, Shortlisted, Dilworth Park
- World Architecture Festival, Shortlisted, Pound Ridge House
- AIA Institute Honor Award for Architecture, Quaker Meeting House and Arts Center, Sidwell Friends School
- AIA Pennsylvania, Honor Award, Pound Ridge House
- AIA Philadelphia, Honor Award, Pound Ridge House
- AIA Philadelphia, Honor Award, Stone Hall, Harvard University
- AIA Technology in Architectural Practice Building Information Modeling Award, Tally Application
- National Institute of Building Sciences, Member Award, Mars City
- AIA Charlotte, Honor Award, Overlook Hall, University of North Carolina, Asheville
- AIA Committee on the Environment, Top Ten Green Project, Charles David Keeling Apartments, University of California, San Diego
- AIA Institute Honor Award for Architecture, Morse and Ezra Stiles Colleges, Yale University
- AIA New York State, Award of Excellence, Master Plan for the Central Delaware, Delaware River Waterfront Corporation
- AIA Pennsylvania, Honor Award, Edgar N. Putman Event Pavilion, James A. Michener Art Museum
- AIA Pennsylvania, Merit Award, Charles David Keeling Apartments, UC San Diego
- AIA Pennsylvania, Merit Award, Meeting House and Arts Center, Sidwell Friends School
- AIA Philadelphia, Merit Award, Center City Building, UNC Charlotte
- AIA Philadelphia, Merit Award, Charles David Keeling Apartments, UC San Diego
- Architect Magazine, R+D Award, Green Roof Vegetation Study
- Architect Magazine, R+D Award, Wireless Sensor Network
- Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design International Architecture Award, Center City Building, UNC Charlotte
- Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design International Architecture Award, Charles David Keeling Apartments, UC San Diego
- Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design International Architecture Award, Edgar N. Putman Event Pavilion, James A. Michener Art Museum
- London's Centre for the Built Environment , New London Award, Office Buildings Category, Embassy of the United States in London, US Department of State
- AIA California Council, Merit Award for Architecture, Charles David Keeling Apartments, University of California, San Diego
- AIA Charlotte, Merit Award, Center City Building, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
- AIA Committee on Architecture for Education, Award of Merit, Educational Facility Design Awards, Morse and Ezra Stiles Colleges, Yale University
- AIA Houston, Design Award, Brockman Hall for Physics, Rice University
- AIA Institute Honor Award for Urban Design, Master Plan for the Central Delaware, Delaware River Waterfront Corporation
- AIA New York City, Honor Award, Urban Design, Master Plan for the Central Delaware, Delaware River Waterfront Corporation
- AIA North Carolina, Honor Award, Center City Building, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
- AIA Pennsylvania, Honor Award, Morse and Ezra Stiles Colleges, Yale University; Honor Award, Brockman Hall for Physics, Rice University; Honor Award, Dilworth Plaza (unbuilt)
- AIA Philadelphia, Gold Medal, Edgar N. Putman Event Pavilion, James A. Michener Art Museum
- American Society of Civil Engineers, Award of Merit, Sustainable Technology, Charles David Keeling Apartments, University of California, San Diego
- American Society of Landscape Architects, Presidents Medal, Charles David Keeling Apartments, University of California, San Diego
- Architect Magazine Annual Design Review, Citation, Charles David Keeling Apartments, University of California, San Diego
- Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design, International Architecture Award for Best New Global Design, Brockman Hall for Physics, Rice University; Morse and Ezra Stiles Colleges, Yale University
- Illuminating Engineering Society, Lumen Award for Integration of Daylighting and Electrical Lighting, Meeting House and Arts Center, Sidwell Friends School
- San Diego Architectural Foundation, Orchid for Architecture and Orchid for Landscape, Charles David Keeling Apartments, University of California, San Diego
- Society for College and University Planning, Excellence in Architecture, Brockman Hall for Physics, Rice University
- Wood Design & Building Magazine, 2012 North American Wood Design Awards, Merit Award, Meeting House and Arts Center, Sidwell Friends School
- AIA California Council, Honor Award, Belles Townhomes
- AIA Philadelphia, Honor Award, Brockman Hall for Physics, Rice University; Silver Medal, Dilworth Plaza, Center City District; Divine Detail, Daylighting, Meeting House and Arts Center, Sidwell Friends School; Silver Medal, Meeting House and Arts Center, Sidwell Friends School; Gold Medal, Morse and Ezra Stiles Colleges, Yale University
- Texas Society of Architects, Design Award, Brockman Hall for Physics, Rice University
- AIA Committee on the Environment, Top Ten Green Project, Special NO 9 House, Make It Right Foundation
- AIA Housing Committee, Housing Award, One/Two Family Production Housing, Cellophane House, The Museum of Modern Art
- AIA New England, Honor Award, Atwater Commons, Middlebury College; Honor Award, Sculpture Building and Gallery, Yale University
- AIA Pennsylvania, Citation of Merit Award, 1315 Hill Street Apartments, Campus Realty
- Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award, Architecture, KieranTimberlake