New Research Director Appointed

We are excited to announce the advancement of Ryan Welch to Research Director. Ryan brings deep experience, knowledge, and curiosity to this leadership role. His work with Billie Faircloth and the Research Group over the past 12 years affords continuity and growth. At the same time, his expertise and energy offer great potential as we plan a vibrant new chapter for research at KT. Working in collaboration with Christopher Connock, Design Computation Director, Ryan will guide the RG in its next stage of inquiry, exploration, discovery, and action.
Specializing in building performance, Ryan's past projects include Roast, a customizable thermal comfort survey application, Pointelist™, a high-density wireless sensor network that provides real-time temperature and relative humidity measurements via custom web application, and Tally®, an LCA application that allows architects to calculate the environmental impact of building materials. Ryan has taught architectural design at the Cooper Union, Yale University, and Princeton University. He is currently a Co-Principal Investigator on an ARPA-E-funded research project into 3D-printed carbon-negative structures in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania.