Update: KieranTimberlake's COVID-19 Response

On 26 June, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and City of Philadelphia moved to a green phase of reopening, which lifted stay-at-home and business closure orders. Since then, we have begun to carefully welcome KieranTimberlake staff members back to the office with a hybrid model of working remotely and a controlled population of about 20 people in the studio per day. All staff members also continue to work from home and juggle their responsibilities while caring for others.
At our studio (aka Ortlieb's Bottling House), we are now hosting occasional design team meetings in small groups, physically distanced, and fully masked. Those who have seen KieranTimberlake's studio know we have ample room for distance, abundant natural ventilation, a managed building system for environmental control, and flexibility to arrange ourselves across multiple work platforms for this next phase of a new reality. We have the broad technical capability to host meetings with both in-person and remote participants. And lastly, our travel is limited to instances of direct support of projects under construction, and is in full compliance with local, regional, and state advisories.
It has been refreshing to be working well together in this more broadly defined "office space” and progressing our firm's projects and goals. We are especially pleased to be joined by four talented interns with us for the summer and into the fall from architecture programs around the country, including Rice, Harvard, Carnegie Mellon, and the University of Texas at Austin.
We continue to be grateful for the partnership of our clients, consultants, collaborators, and staff as we work through the nexus of 2020 challenges together.