From Our Homes To Yours,
Happy New Year!
Here's to the homes we live in and the homes we create, and here's to 2021!
The Tidelands | Loblolly House | Ortlieb's Bottling House
Featured in the Animation
The Tidelands
The Tidelands is the newest addition to San Francisco's Dogpatch neighborhood and is home for 700 University of California San Francisco medical residents. Openable windows and a super-insulated envelope make this development snug and efficient.
Loblolly House
A peaceful retreat evokes the natural world that is its home, Loblolly House is the site of our earliest explorations of integrated assemblies and off-site fabrication. It remains an inspiration for our work.
Ortlieb's Bottling House
Our own home in Philadelphia, the former Ortlieb's Bottling House, is usually bustling with design reviews, prototyping, model-making, and greeting clients. We eagerly anticipate the day we can return to the office.