AIA Philadelphia Recognizes Colleges for Design Excellence
The underground addition at Morse and Ezra Stiles Colleges at Yale University.
© Peter Aaron/OTTO
KieranTimberlake was deeply honored last Thursday evening to receive a Gold Medal from the AIA Philadelphia for Morse and Ezra Stiles Colleges at Yale University.
Jury comments
This project rises to the great challenge of expanding an icon of modern architecture. The creation of a whole new world of subterranean experience of bold, robust new places and forms allows the new architecture to coexist in harmony with the well-known Saarinen canvas. The clever re-planning of residential floors responds to contemporary needs as the existing colleges are highlighted and enhanced by the lyrical additions. Dark and formerly maligned spaces are transformed into environments infused with natural light, that continually exchange interior with exterior, building with landscape. It is a tough task to add to the work of a master but here the solution is achieved with clarity, dexterity and delight.